Shiro Neko, “White Cat” in Japanese, is embarking on a journey to prove himself in the crypto sphere. Under the mentorship of the legendary Shiba Inu, Shiro learns the ways of blockchain, striving to build his own legacy with $SHIRO.
what chain is shiro neko on?
Shiro Neko ($SHIRO) will be launched on the Ethereum blockchain.
Where can I buy shiro neko?
CA: 0xb0ac2b5a73da0e67a8e5489ba922b3f8d582e058 You can purchase $SHIRO on a DEX (Decentralised Exchange) or a CEX (Centralised Exchange) such as Uniswap and MEXC.
You can purchase $SHIRO on the following exchanges:
MEXC, BitMart, LBank, and Ourbit with many more major exchanges being onboarded soon.